Lavenham Gardening Club holds monthly meetings at Lavenham Village Hall, Church St, Lavenham CO10 9QT.
We invite a variety of speakers, arrange outings and hold social events throughout our annual programme, as well as a plant sale, a produce show, and a quiz.
We currently have just over 90 members and new members are always welcome. The annual subscription is £20 which includes entry fee to the monthly meetings and refreshments (excludes celebrity speaker events). Once a year, we have a celebrity speaker – these are ticketed events costing £20 per person. Non-members are welcome to attend monthly meetings, with an entry fee of £4.
Celebrity speaker events are open to members and non- members alike, and are ‘ticket only’, bookable in advance.
If you are interested in joining us, please contact Carolyn Jenkins on 01787 247489.
Lavenham Gardening Club is affiliated to the RHS.
To view our upcoming sales, trips, talks and other events, please go to the Events page.
LAVENHAM Gardening Club holds a Plant Sale in May. The Plant Sales are well established events, supported locally and a perfect opportunity to fill your garden at reasonable prices.
The plant sale includes perennials, shrubs etc. Donations of plants are always welcomed and obviously increase the variety of plants on offer. The plant sales provide the club with a main source of income, so if you have plants to divide or surplus cuttings and seedlings please let us know!

Our main social events are the summer garden party, usually held in August, and the New Year Party, held at the end of January. Both are very enjoyable events, with catering and wine provided. The New Year party, held at the Village Hall, also includes entertainment during the evening.
Upcoming Events details….
Wednesday 9th October: A Visit to Hyde Hall Chelmsford. The coach will leave the village hall car park around 11.45am and return around 5.45pm. The only costs will be the coach which will be £15 per person. Refreshments can be purchased from the restaurant at Hyde Hall. Please contact Sandra to let her know if you wish to come along, no later than the 1st September please. I can give you details re payment options. Telephone 01787 311707.
Wednesday 11th September: Lavenham Gardening club – A GARDEN CELEBRATION.
We encourage members to please support this event and with 18 Categories there will be a category for all members to bring along an entry. Further emails to follow with schedule and times. (This is a members only event and replaces our usual produce show).
We held our annual summer garden party on Wednesday evening 7th August, in the delightful setting of Little Hall gardens Lavenham. Over 50 members joined us for a very sociable evening. A bonus was a dry evening for us all. Please go to the Gallery to see all of our photos, including this event.
On the 27th March the members enjoyed a wonderful evening with the delightful Leanna Monika. This was Leanna‘s first talk she had done to a group and she was amazing. Leanna is self taught florist, with a natural flair, and grows most of her flowers for her arrangements. Leanna demonstrated how to make an Easter Wreath which was then raffled, we also enjoyed photographs of her work. Leanna lives in Hitcham, and I encourage you to visit Leanna’s face book page or Google her.
The events for this year and the beginning of next year have been posted on the site. Some will have further details nearer the time.
We have uploaded a couple of images from our New Years Eve Party.
Members enjoyed a wonderful evening with entertainment provided by “Shanty Folk” a popular local group. The group raised money for the RNLI, and proceeds from the evening, with Raffle and collection raised £270.
Subscriptions and monthly meeting fee, excluding celebrity speakers will now be included in a one off price of £20 payable at the AGM, or by contacting Carolyn Jenkins for Bank details Non members are welcome to our monthly meetings, cost £4 per meeting,and to purchase tickets for our celebrity speakers.
Reminder: AGM. 28th February 2024. 7.30pm.
Summer Garden Party 26th July
Due to the weather, we were delighted to be able to use the Guildhall in Lavenham for this years party, the members were able to enjoy the lovely gardens before the rain came, and we moved inside. Around 48 members attended the event.
There are a few pictures from this event on the gallery page.